Barbara Rainey from Ever Thine Home
The Barbara Rainey Podcast
Letters to My Daughters: Sexual Intimacy

Letters to My Daughters: Sexual Intimacy

Barbara Rainey shares in this episode, "I think we vastly underestimate the fears that we bring into marriage. All of us come into marriage with fears. Therefore, it takes time to expose those fears, because it’s a risk to do so. It takes time to work toward that place of being unashamed. It doesn’t ever totally go away, because it won’t until we go to heaven; but we can make great progress. We can make great strides in that comfort level that we all long for when we get married."

Barbara Rainey from Ever Thine Home
The Barbara Rainey Podcast
Barbara Rainey mentors women in their most important relationships. She loves encouraging women to believe God and experience Him in every area of their lives.