Happy May everyone!
Schools will soon be ending their academic year which means summer break, vacations, and wedding season! I wanted to send a quick note to let you know about a few items we have that would make excellent wedding or anniversary gifts if you need them.
For years we produced “We Still Do” plaques while at FamilyLife and it seemed we were always reordering because they were so popular. As we keep finding small quantities of other items we also have some of these plaques for you who are first in line to get one! I have one in my kitchen and one in our bedroom at the farmhouse. We designed these ten years ago and they are classic. They would make a great gift for anyone married, or yourself! There are less than 20 in stock so hurry!
Also for wedding season is my book, Letters to My Daughters, which I give to as many brides as I can. I just put one in the mail to my nephew’s new wife last week. Most young couples are most eager to learn and make their marriage great so it’s perfect timing for gift-giving to new brides.
As the world continues to seemingly spin out of control, a verse that has brought me so much peace is Isaiah 33:6, “And He shall be the stability of your times…” We have just a couple left of our physical frames with this verse, but the digital version prints well on home printers and would look great in a gray or gold frame.
Enjoy this digital print in your home, car, purse, or wherever you need a reminder of what marriage should look like!
Ever His,