Since Dennis and I retired, or more correctly stepped aside, from leading FamilyLife in 2018, we've spent a lot of time thinking and talking about what this next season of life might look like.
I lost my husband of 64 years a few months ago. We had a solid, good, marriage, with normal issues, losses, difficulties, tears, joys, blessings beyond measure. I listened to your sixth broadcast on intentionally growing old and it resonated with what the Holy Spirit has been teaching me and reminding me of, especially since Paul has entered into eternal life. At this moment, all I want to say thus far is that "All my life God has been faithful; All my life He has been So... So... Good!". I have always been "goal oriented" and losing Paul after a terrific partnership has been very difficult but bitter/sweet. We experienced shared goals and accomplishments in establishing and maintaining a Christian home and family. Recently, I have been intentionally looking at my tomorrows without him... although he is still with me in so many ways. This is a new chapter in my life. Your podcast on Intentionally growing older really resonated with me.
My question: Are you available to speak at Christian educational conferences? I have nothing specific at this time, so this is rhetorical at this point; but I think the Lord is leading me in a given direction.
I lost my husband of 64 years a few months ago. We had a solid, good, marriage, with normal issues, losses, difficulties, tears, joys, blessings beyond measure. I listened to your sixth broadcast on intentionally growing old and it resonated with what the Holy Spirit has been teaching me and reminding me of, especially since Paul has entered into eternal life. At this moment, all I want to say thus far is that "All my life God has been faithful; All my life He has been So... So... Good!". I have always been "goal oriented" and losing Paul after a terrific partnership has been very difficult but bitter/sweet. We experienced shared goals and accomplishments in establishing and maintaining a Christian home and family. Recently, I have been intentionally looking at my tomorrows without him... although he is still with me in so many ways. This is a new chapter in my life. Your podcast on Intentionally growing older really resonated with me.
My question: Are you available to speak at Christian educational conferences? I have nothing specific at this time, so this is rhetorical at this point; but I think the Lord is leading me in a given direction.